Thursday February 06 , 2025
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Be Protected For The Unexpected

We only work with the top extended service contract providers which enables us to provide our customers with the best coverage at the lowest price. CALL NOW!!! 877-297-6178


Betting that your car won’t have an auto repair – ever?

Are you and your bank account prepared for the headache and stress that even the smallest of repair bills will provide you with? The engine, transmission, drive axle, electrical system and computers, starter, alternator, and water pump are just a few of the many components that will be covered for you through any of the extensive coverages here at Autoplex ES. With our representative’s expertise and our no fee payment options we are able to help you determine which type of coverage is going to be best for you and your budget.

Our role is to find the best extended coverage for you and your automobile.


 Average amount of money spent on the following types of coverage over a 5 year period. 





The average person uses his/her vehicle coverage far more than any other type over a 5 year period. 

Free Quote
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Vin #
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Contracts Are Transferable

Don’t plan on keeping your car for too much longer? That's perfectly fine! When you sell your vehicle, you will be able to sell the vehicle faster, be able to ask a higher price for the vehicle, and as well as give the buyer the piece of mind that they’re buying a well maintained and contract covered vehicle. If you were to trade your vehicle in for another one, you’re always entitled to a pro-rata refund for the term of the policy. So, even if you only plan to keep the vehicle for a couple more months, it still makes more sense to keep you and your vehicle protected. It’s always better to be safe rather than sorry. Don’t be one of those who has to learn that the hard way.

Contact Us!

Our specially trained representatives are standing by now to help you obtain comprehensive coverage for your vehicle. Don’t waste your time worrying about how you’re going to manage paying for a repair bill and how you’re going to get around when you can’t do so. Give us a call now with any questions that you may have.

Let us start saving you money today!

CALL 877-297-6178 NOW!!!